Awards shows are big money makers for television. Many of the networks have companies that pay for advertising during this time because millions of people are watching. This is one of the best possible times to get new customers interested in new products. Manufacturers of clothing, jewelry, and other products do not stop there though. These companies also put a lot of time into designing gift bags for celebrities. This is a sure-fire way to promote the product to a wider audience.
Celebrities Love Free Things
It is a very well-known fact that celebrities love free things. Former superstar model and TV mogul Tyra Banks has talked about how she is a cheapskate. There are other celebrities that say that they look forward to all the freebies that are given away during the award shows. These celebrities may make a lot of money, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that they like to spend a lot of it. To the contrary, celebrities are all about building their brand in order to give them access to more free things.
Award shows give these gift bags because it is expected. It has become very customary for the stars to be pampered and given nice things. The gift bags at awards shows is proof positive that celebrities are treated like royalty when they hit the red carpet. Just like the princesses in Clash Royale.
Celebrities Trendsetters
The gift bags are somewhat of a further expansion of the red carpet attire that these stars wear. Designers will practically beg celebrities to wear their dresses and suites during the Oscars and the Grammy award shows. There is a hidden agenda behind this. When these clothes are worn on the red carpet it becomes the talk of the town the next day. These celebrities become famous because the stars wear their clothing on the red carpet.
The gift bags don’t get the same media coverage right away like red carpet designer dresses, but these gift bags extend the advertising efforts of big companies. Some stars will wear just about anything that is free. When they are on talk shows they may be seen with certain items on. They may tweet or post pics on Instagram about some of these products. That makes it pretty easy for companies to mainstream their products to consumers through the celebrities. Unlike Christmas gift bags which usually have love balls or decor hanging from them, these gift bags sport a classier look.
Many people will actually try to duplicate the style of their favorites celebrities by spending thousands of dollars on things that celebrities received for free. When rapper 50 Cent became famous he said that it was ironic that he spends so much money trying to become famous so that he could buy nice things. The irony was that after he became famous everyone started to give him things for free.
Future Product Endorsement Persuasion
Gift bags can spark the attention of celebrities that did not know certain products existed. This can be a way for companies to woo celebrities for possible future endorsement ventures. The gift bags give celebrities the chance to give new products a test run.