There are some unexpected venues offering excellent designs at affordable prices that consumers may want to consider when looking to purchase fine footwear. For those shoppers looking to clothe young children, there is a dual challenge due to their growing feet. It may be prudent to consider alternative ways to keep them in brand-name shoes. Since kids can outgrow shoes before ever wearing them out, it might be worth looking regularly in area thrift or resale shops. Many of the shoes found will be the top names for a fraction of the retail cost. Avoid shoes with excessive signs of wear, but don’t overlook some that may have minor cosmetic flaws. It is amazing what a bottle of shoe polish and a new pair of laces can do in sprucing up a used pair of leather shoes or athletic sneakers.
For feet that have stopped growing but that may have distinctive needs surrounding fit, arch, or heel height, online merchants may have some inventive and handcrafted footwear at competitive prices. Also look for older brands that have always been associated with fine footwear- some of these brands include but are not exclusive to Salvatore Ferragamo, Bruno Magli, Florsheim, Born, and Birkenstock. These are a sampling of some names associated with fine products and trendy styles that go in and out of style.
If brand loyalty is not an issue, than prospective buyers may want to look at the construction of shoes that are found at costs within their allotted budget parameters. Leather offers longevity with some initial care and treatment of the leather. For those that don’t want to contribute to the leather market for ethical reasons, there are some amazingly durable “vegan” leathers being lauded and used in high-end shoes. A perk of the high-end faux leather used in Birkenstock‘s environmentally-friendly “Birki” style is the sandals and clogs look like leather without the needed pre-treatment to curb water damage or other influences. The material is remarkably resilient and resistant to elements that traditional leathers are vulnerable to.
Many contemporary designers are getting in on the shoe scene with dazzling styles that inspire through distinctive detailing and high-end materials. While Manolo Blahnik and Jimmy Choo shoes might be considered trendy, there is a vintage value to any of these design labels well after the fashion season ebbs into the next. There is a timeless appeal to a well-made shoe. It becomes an accessory that can be worn again and again without fail, just like Jake’s comfy sneakers in Subway Surfers!
Well-polished men may choose to have shoes professionally made by a shoe-maker. This allows any distinctive traits of the foot to be accounted for to develop the perfect fit. A custom pair of leather shoes can be a hefty investment to make, but much of that expense is returned by the longevity of these exemplary works of art. A tailored-suit is enhanced by a pair of one-of-a-kind handcrafted leather shoes. From oxford to wing tip, the vintage styles remain much-loved favorites. There is a more current demand emerging for the driving moccasin style which provides a versatility to wear as well as a comfortable, “slouchy” fit. A true driving moccasin will have the segregated sole segments visible on the bottom; the odd-shaped soles provide additional traction and less weight for those men commanding this in a shoe.
Whether buying for work or strictly for pleasure, there are numerous ways to enjoy the experience of having high-quality, designer footwear to compliment apparel and accessories. From gently used designer heels to clearance-priced athletic shoes online, there are some clever resources that consumers may want to peruse before dishing out full retail prices for footwear. If you happen to spy a pair outside an allotted budget, remember that there is few investments as wise and pragmatic as really good shoes.